Data Practices for Studying the Impacts of Environmental Amenities and Hazards with Nationwide Property Data

RFF Penny Liao and coauthors evaluate challenges present in the use of nationwide property data for valuing environmental amenities in this journal article.

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June 14, 2023


Christoph Nolte, Anita Chaudhry, Christopher Clapp, Dennis Guignet, Hannah Hennighausen, Ido Kushner, Yanjun (Penny) Liao, Saleh Mamun, Adam Pollack, Jesse Richardson, Shelby Sundquist, Kristen Swedberg, and Johannes H. Uhl


Journal Article in Land Economics

Reading time

1 minute


We discuss data quality and modeling issues inherent in the use of nationwide property data to value environmental amenities. By example of ZTRAX, a U.S.-wide real estate database, we identify challenges and propose guidance for: (1) the identification of arm’s-length sales, (2) the geo-location of parcels and buildings, (3) temporal linkages between transaction, assessor, and parcel data, (4) the identification of property types, such as single-family homes and vacant lands, and (5) dealing with missing or mismeasured data for standard housing attributes. We review current practice and show that how researchers address these issues can meaningfully influence research findings.


Christoph Nolte headshot.png

Christoph Nolte

Boston University

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Anita Chaudhry

California State University

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Christopher Clapp

University of Chicago

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Dennis Guignet

Appalachian State University

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Hannah Hennighausen

University of Alaska

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Ido Kushner

Boston University

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Saleh Mamun

University of Minnesota

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Adam Pollack

Boston University

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Jesse Richardson

West Virginia University

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Shelby Sundquist

Boston University

Kristen Swedberg

Virginia Tech

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Johannes H. Uhl

University of Colorado, Boulder

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