Winston Harrington
Senior Fellow Emeritus
Winston Harrington's research interests include urban transportation, motor vehicles and air quality, and problems of estimating the costs of environmental policy. He has worked extensively on the economics of enforcing environmental regulations, the health benefits derived from improved air quality, the costs of waterborne disease outbreaks, endangered species policy, federal rulemaking procedures, and the economics of outdoor recreation.
Harrington has written or coauthored five books and numerous book chapters. In October 2000, he won the Vernon Award of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management for a paper he coauthored, "On the Accuracy of Regulatory Cost Estimates."
Harrington has served as a consultant to U.S. state and federal governments, the World Bank, and the Harvard Institute for International Development and has worked in Lithuania, Mexico, and Poland. He also is on the adjunct faculty at Georgetown University.
- PhD in city and regional planning, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985
- MA in mathematics, Cornell University, 1970
- AB in mathematics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1968
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