Mun Ho
Visiting Fellow
Mun Ho is a visiting scholar at RFF and a research associate at the China Project on Energy, Economy and the Environment at the Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. His research is focused on economic growth, productivity, energy and environmental economics. His is currently working on various environmental issues in China—such as how electricity system reform and carbon policies might interact with each other; distributional effects of carbon policies; and carbon tariffs. His work on modeling energy and environmental policies includes a 2013 book Double Dividend: Environmental Taxes and Fiscal Reform in the US (Jorgenson, Goettle, Ho, and Wilcoxen) which describes the development of econometric models used in a large-scale intertemporal equilibrium model. With the Harvard China Project team, he has developed an integrated assessment framework for examining the impact of policies on Chinese energy use, air quality, health, and CO2 emissions which is described in 2013 book, Clearer Skies over China: Reconciling Air Quality, Climate and Economic Goals. Ho received his PhD in Economics from Harvard University in 1989 and taught at SUNY Buffalo. From 2012 to 2015, he was at the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management writing on China's economic growth and using household surveys of energy consumption.
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