Brad Harris

Director of Government Affairs

Brad Harris is the director of government affairs at RFF, having joined in January 2024. He is responsible for developing and executing strategies to engage with policymakers including in the US Congress, executive agencies, and state officials.

Previously, Brad worked for Duke Energy, where he led a variety of strategic initiatives related to pricing and customer programs. Highlights of his work include leading analytics related to net metering reform, a comprehensive study and reform of the utility's rate designs in the southeast, the creation of a new program to assist low-income customers, and a new mechanism for the company to invest in energy efficiency. In this role, Brad led several stakeholder processes and testified in front of the North and South Carolina utilities commissions. Previously, he was a lobbyist for the Friends Committee on National Legislation.


  • MBA, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 2019
  • MPP, Duke University, 2019
  • BA, Tufts University, 2013

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