Aaron Bergman
Aaron Bergman is a fellow at Resources for the Future. Prior to joining RFF, he was the Lead for Macroeconomics and Emissions at the Energy Information Administration (EIA), managing EIA's modeling in those areas. Before working at EIA, Bergman spent almost a decade in the policy office at the Department of Energy, working on a broad array of climate and environmental policies. Bergman has worked in the White House at the Office of Science and Technology Policy, managing the Quadrennial Energy Review and handling the methane measurement portfolio, and at the Council on Environmental Quality, working on carbon regulation. Bergman entered the federal government in 2009 as a Science and Technology Policy Fellow with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, after working in high energy physics.
- PhD in Physics, Princeton University, 2003
- BS in Physics and BS in Mathematics, Yale University, 1998
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