Washington Post: "Delays Plague Biden's Push for Rapid Action on Climate Change"

A story in the Washington Post includes comments made by decisionmakers at RFF's Big Decisions 2023 event.

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Jan. 19, 2023

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The Washington Post

Speaking at an event at the think tank Resources for the Future on Wednesday, EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe argued that enduring rule changes take time to vet and finalize.

“Regulations, if you do them right, if you base them on science and evidence, if you get people’s input, if you make sure you’re following the law, they take a while to develop and get out into the world,” McCabe said. “So you’re going to see a lot of progress on our regulatory agenda in 2023."...

Federal bureaucrats at agencies crafting policies “want to make it perfect,” said Jason Grumet, who heads the Bipartisan Policy Center and is slated to become CEO of American Clean Power, a trade association representing renewable energy companies. “This is not going to get the job done in time.”

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