POLITICO: “Study: Manchin-Barrasso Permitting Bill Would Reduce Emissions”

RFF modeling related to permitting reform and federal oil and gas leasing is discussed in this story.

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Sept. 5, 2024

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The analysis of the emissions impact of S. 4753 from Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chair Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) and ranking member John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) — shared exclusively with POLITICO — drew from other new and recent modeling on major elements of the bill from Resources for the Future, RMI and Princeton University's Jesse Jenkins.

The analyses examined policy levers included in the bill that would expand onshore and offshore oil and gas leasing, boost liquefied natural gas exports and promote the construction of electric transmission lines.

Modeling those different elements individually was necessary to assess the bill’s overall greenhouse gas emissions impact, according to the Third Way analysis, since each has a unique set of assumptions and inputs.

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