PBS: “Electric Cars—Pros and Cons”
Fellow Beia Spiller, who directs RFF’s Transportation Program, discusses the benefits and costs of widespread EV adoption in two episodes of the series “Energy Switch.”

Electric Cars—Pros and Cons, Part 1
Electric cars are fast and efficient and produce no local emissions. But they're also expensive, with issues around the metals for their batteries. Dr. David Rapson, Economic Policy Advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank and Professor of Economics, University of California, and Dr. Beia Spiller, Director of the Transportation Program, Resources for the Future, discuss these issues.
Electric Cars—Pros and Cons, Part 2
Subsidies for electric cars have helped make them popular, but have gone mostly to the wealthy. These and mandates may have unintended consequences. We need more affordable EVs, even if they have lower range, say Dr. Beia Spiller, Director of the Transportation Program at Resources for the Future, and Dr. David Rapson, Economic Policy Advisor for the Fed and Professor of Economics, UC Davis.