Mountain West News Bureau: "Wildfire Experts Talk Solutions as Risk Grows for Homeowners in the Wildland-Urban Interface"

A radio story aired by public radio stations across the American West details some insights from a mid-October RFF Live panel discussion on wildfire risk and resilience.

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Oct. 19, 2022

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Media Highlight


Mountain West News Bureau

A panel of experts weighed the benefits and challenges of living near wildlands and how best to prosper in these spaces prone to wildfire on Oct. 12 as part of a new webinar series.

The nonprofit research group Resources for the Future hosted the panel as part of its "Sparking Solutions" series on meeting the growing threat of wildfires. They discussed mitigating fire risk at home, home insurance, the need for better communication with homeowners living in the wildland-urban interface, or WUI, and how towns can put this information into practice.

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