Marketplace: “Survey Shows More Americans Worried about Cost of Fighting Climate Change”

This radio segment, which features insights from RFF University Fellow Jon Krosnick and RFF alum Leah Stokes, dives into American opinions on climate and the economy.

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Aug. 29, 2024

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Media Highlight



Most Americans support government action on climate change, but a growing minority worry it will harm the economy, according to survey data from Stanford University and Resources for the Future. The survey on Americans’ attitudes toward climate action has been repeated since 1997.

This year’s survey found 36 percent of respondents thought climate action would harm the economy. That’s up from 29 percent four years ago. The jump could be linked to an overall rise in Americans’ concerns about the economy, said Jon Krosnick, lead author and a professor of communication and political science at Stanford University.

“Between our 2020 survey and 2024 has been plenty of COVID and there has been economic disruption,” he said.

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