CNBC: “Many Americans Think They’re Insulated from Climate Change. Their Finances Indicate Otherwise”

Resources for the Future University Fellow Jon Krosnick is quoted in this story on the views held by Americans about the impact of climate change on personal finances.

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July 17, 2024

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Just 55% of Americans believe global warming will “hurt them at least a moderate amount,” according to a joint report published Monday by Stanford University and Resources for the Future.

That’s down 8 percentage points from an all-time-high 63% observed in 2010, the study found.

It’s likely that survey respondents were thinking more about physical than financial impact when answering the survey question, said Jon Krosnick, a report co-author and director of Stanford’s Political Psychology Research Group.

However, when it comes to financial impact, “I think you could argue the correct answer for [people] is, ‘It’s already hurting me,’” Krosnick said.

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