VALUABLES Consortium Grants for Assessing the Benefits of Satellites: Applicant Webinar
Learn more about the VALUABLES Consortium's GABS funding opportunity.
Apply for $300,000 in Grants to Assess the Benefits of Satellites (GABS)
The VALUABLES Consortium is accepting applications for a new funding opportunity called Grants to Assess the Benefits of Satellites (GABS). GABS makes $300,000 available to fund research that quantifies the benefits of satellite data when they are used to make decisions that improve socioeconomically meaningful outcomes for people and/or the environment. The consortium expects to make no more than three awards under GABS, each in the range of $100,000.
To review the full request for proposals and apply, visit RFF VALUABLES.
Short pre-proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. ET on December 5, 2019. This opportunity is open to proposal teams located in the United States. Teams must be interdisciplinary and include a social scientist.
The slides are available below.