Implementing Changes to the ESA: What Happens Next?
Examining how best to implement the recent regulatory revisions to the Endangered Species Act
Event Details
On August 12, the Trump administration announced changes to the implementation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the nation’s landmark legislation designed to protect threatened species and their habitats. These changes drew sharp criticism from some, who argue that they fundamentally weaken the Act’s ability to protect species, and robust praise from others, who see the changes as needed steps toward protecting property rights and the economic viability of affected industries and landowners.
While the pros and cons of these changes have been hotly debated over the last few months, less attention has been paid to how the changes will play out in practice and the next steps needed to protect species and reduce conflict. On December 12, 2019, Resources for the Future (RFF) hosted a forward-looking panel discussion on the ESA, with a focus on how best to implement the recent regulatory revisions and what additional reform ideas the current administration might be interested in pursuing.
- Rebecca Epanchin-Niell, Resources for the Future
- Stuart Levenbach, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Ya-Wei (Jake) Li, Environmental Policy Innovation Center
- Christopher Prandoni, US Department of the Interior
- Moderator: Michael Doyle, E&E News
Event Video

Christopher Prandoni
Counselor to the Secretary, US Department of the Interior