Kevin Rennert

Fellow; Director, Comprehensive Climate Strategies Program; Director, Federal Climate Policy Initiative

Kevin Rennert is a fellow and directs the Comprehensive Climate Change program as well as the Federal Climate Policy Initiative at Resources for the Future. His current research focuses on federal policies to advance low-carbon energy sources and domestic manufacturing, address barriers to energy infrastructure, and enhance US competitiveness and reduce emissions through trade measures. Rennert previously co-led a multi-institutional, multidisciplinary research effort to estimate the economic effects of greenhouse gas emissions, whose results and open-source model were adopted by the US, Canadian, and multiple state governments to support their official regulatory analyses. Rennert’s work has been published in Nature, Science, and the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, among others. 

Prior to his arrival at RFF in 2017, Rennert served as Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Policy at the US Environmental Protection Agency. He previously served as Senior Advisor on Energy for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, advising Chairman Wyden on a wide range of topics related to clean energy, efficiency, and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. From 2008 to 2014, he worked on energy and climate legislation as senior professional staff for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, including leading development of Chairman Bingaman’s proposed Clean Energy Standard Act of 2012.

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